I know there's good and bad all the time. So let's get the bad out of the way first.
I have pink eye... I guess. I've never had it and my dr. wasn't quite sure at first that's what it was but she's treating it as if it is. The problem is, I think it's more because I just feel like crap in general. I have no energy and have to admit that I'm a little down because of it. I was going 150 mph before this happened, between school, work, running, and losing weight so as usual, my body has decided to make me slow down.
There's more good than bad though. I've lost 21 lbs and the running is going well. I'm very proud of myself and have been working very hard losing weight. I'm still not eating processed carbs or sugar and while some days are extremely difficult, other days aren't. That's life in general though for everyone. You have to take the good with the bad.
School has been very challenging but I knew it would be taking a compressed class. I'm working hard and I will get through it. There are only 2 weeks left of this one and then I start another but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I'm very excited that I've booked a trip for us to go to Curacao in December. I'm hoping to be very bathing suit-ready and I might even wear a 2-piece for the first time in my life!
That's it for now. I'll write again soon.