Things have been going well. I haven't been running as much as I'd like because it took awhile after I got my tattoo worked on again to get out there. I'm hoping when I go on 8/25, it will finally be done.
I walked on a trail last weekend and then ran on a different one a few days ago. I'm enjoying the trails. They aren't as hard on my legs and feet as the pavement.
As for the weight, I'm a little over 186 right now. It's been slow going and as normal, it goes up and down. I'm still tracking everything I eat and while I haven't been perfect all the time, I still haven't had bread and for the most part I keep away from sugar. When I have more of something than I should, it's not anything bad, it's just more than I think I should. I'm the one who set my calorie amount at 800/day. I still don't know if that is right or wrong but for the most part it's worked. I've been doing this losing weight thing for 3 1/2 months now. I feel a ton better and I've gotten to the point where I'm revisiting the idea of having a tummy tuck. I thought about it after I had the gastric bypass but never really thought about it since because I gained some weight back. I went to a dr in Saratoga yesterday for a consultation and it was very expensive. I knew it would be but it was kind of a wake-up seeing the numbers written down. The dr had suggested a beltline lapectomy which is the tummy tuck and then the sides. The total for the at was around $15,000. The tummy tuck alone would be $8900. So, yeah, too much. I posted on one of the gastric bypass groups last night about it and there were some suggestions of having it done in Mexico. I've heard of that before but always thought it was a very scary idea. But now, I'm trying to figure out why I think it's so scary. Our media here has made other countries, including Mexico, seem like a crazy scary place where these surgeries would be done in back alleys. But from what I've read so far, this one place in Tijuana seems just the opposite and they only charge $3400. Is this too good to be true? I have no idea. It's a very interesting idea that I need to get a lot more info about.
I'll keep you posted!