Thursday, July 12, 2018

Catching Up

It's been a month since I've written and I have a few updates.

So yes, I had pink eye and yes, it sucked. Big time! It was the viral type so I had to wait it out since no meds would help. It started in my left eye and then made its way to my right. Yuck! I was out of work for 3 weeks. I've been back to work for a week and 1/2 and I feel a lot better.

I've been at a weight loss stall for 2 1/2 weeks. The last time I lost anything was 6/24 (I've lost a total of around 27-28 lbs) which is VERY frustrating! I know I've gotten smaller but the scale won't budge except for the same 2 lbs. I've tried upping my calories, lowering them, having a cheat day. Nothing is working. I started measuring myself yesterday so I'm going to that once a week. I guess I could only lose at the rate I was for so long before my body needed a break and to get used to it. I just really hope it doesn't last much longer. I remember having stalls after I had the surgery. I think some of them lasted at least a few weeks.

I also got my leg tattoo worked on more after 3 years. I really like how it's turning out and I should have only one more session to complete it. Mike (the tattoo artist) is leaving to go on the road at the end of Aug so I was getting worried he wasn't going to finish it before he left because in May I went to have more outlining done and I only lasted an hour because of the pain. This time, I lasted 6 because I took a painkiller and ibuprofen. Thank god! I'll have to do the same thing when I go back at the end of Aug.

I booked the plane tickets for Curacao in December and I can't wait!

Tonight we are going to see Halsey at SPAC but the one I really can't wait for is Foo Fighters (finally!!!!) at Fenway in Boston on 7/21. I'm SO excited for that!

So lots of fun things going on and if I could just break this stupid stall, all would be good but I guess it will happen when it happens. LOL!

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