Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cross Training and The Treadmill

Sunday was the beginning of week six of my half marathon training which means there are only six more weeks until the race. Oy! That's coming up fast. The one I'm doing is called the Adirondack Half Marathon and I can't wait. It's gonna be hilly but I doubt it will be like the one I did this past May in Gloucester, MA. I'm SO happy I didn't look up the elevation changes on that one before I went. I think I would've had to rethink the whole thing before even going.

My training so far this week has consisted of a 2.5-mile run on Sunday, a 6-mile bike ride on Monday and a 5-mile run tonight. Regrettably I've missed my long runs the past 2 weeks which I know isn't good but I'll be doing one this week when just by coincidence my training doesn't call for one. The Sunday run was short because I got new sneakers. Well, not just any sneakers. I'm attempting to delve into the "minimalist" category of sneakers. I've only been running since January and I got new Brooks Adrenalines in March but I've just always had this feeling of almost being clunky when I run. I'm sure some of it is me and I'm thinking (well, now I know) that some of it is the sneakers. So I went with these: Merrell Run Glove Dash 2. Whew! Long name but so far I'm acclimating very well with them. They feel so, shall I dare say it?... natural. They will definitely take time to get used to and on my 5-mile treadmill run tonight I did 2 miles in them and the other 3 miles in my Brooks. And I should also add that that was the strangest transition ever but I know it's got to be done. I'm not sure yet if I will wear the Merrells in the race but I'll see how the training goes.

On another topic, what about trail running? I think it looks pretty interesting. I've been reading some things about it and I think I might try it sometime. I would think it's probably better on your joints than road running too. Maybe a little trail running might be in my future? Hmmm...

I can tell you one thing that definitely won't be in my future and that's the Badwater Ultramarathon. A 135-mile marathon through Death Valley where the average temperature is 120 degrees. Yeah, no thanks but I gotta say that I think it's pretty interesting. One of the statistics I read is more people have climbed Mt. Everest than have finished this race. Pretty crazy, huh?

Here are some questions for you. I would love to hear back from you!

Is there a race you've always wanted to do?

Are you looking to change your style of running at some point from trail running to road running or vice versa? Or possibly add something new to your routine?

What race(s) are you training for currently?

Megan :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Megan, Just stumbled on to your blog. You have some interesting stories.

    I couldn't at this point in my running life (I'll be turning 60 and I started running at age 14) say that there's a race I've always wanted to do. I stopped racing when I was about 28 and have since just kept running, well, just because. It's kind of like you get up and brush your teeth. At one time I wanted to run the SF Marathon being a lifelong Bay Area resident.

    I've done both trail running and road running. I guess because I've mostly done road running I'm partial to it. There is less impact with trail running but understand that the uneven character of trails puts more torque on the joints. That can be a plus in strengthening ankles much like balancing on a BOSU ball.

    To your last question, I'm actually training for a race in October; The Folsom Blues Breakout Half Marathon to celebrate my 60th birthday.
    Keep running and keep writing. They're both great activities.
